FetchNote retrieves digital annotations from your PDF and outputs them onto a newly generated summary file.
We strive to make FetchNote compatible with all PDF-based note-taking apps, such as Adobe Acrobat and Apple Preview.
PDF files can be uploaded on our website using a web browser, such as Chrome and Safari, while on your desktop/mobile/tablet device.
FetchNote uses Microsoft's encrypted cloud storage to temporarily store your files for processing.
While processing your PDF, this app will pay special attention to the type of annotations you used.

  • Yellow highlights will output as plain text.
  • Red highlights will output as bold text.
  • Green highlights will output as bullet points.
  • Red rectangle annotations will create an image.
  • You have the option to change the default color settings if needed.
  • Please explore the support page to learn more about all the different features.

Use the sidebar on the left to navigate to the document layout that best resembles your digitally annotated PDF.
Not sure about your PDF layout? Scroll down to see examples.

The type of PDF document you annotated, such as a transcript or a journal article, affects how FetchNote collects your notes.
FetchNote has unique features for each type of document layout to help improve the clarity of your summary output file.
Below are some examples of each type of document layout. You can also find more detailed input/output examples here.


General summary


Transcript summary


Literature summary


Media summary


Presentation summary

Dated Record

Dated record summary

If FetchNote did not make referring back to your notes a more efficient and effective experience, then please contact customer support.